9华企控告郭文贵  纽约索偿2.7亿

17-06-12 且于纽约州取得经营资质的Golden Spring(New York)LTD.纽约州高等法院Supreme Court of the State of New York正式登记立案的案号是653176...

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found (Part II)

17-06-10 , The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post, the main newscasts of CBS, CNN, Fox News, and NBC...

6月13日 五大道博物馆节

17-06-07 表演活动,十分值得期待,莫失良机。        地点:第五大道,82街至105街(82 Street~105 Street on the 5th Ave.)。        网站...


17-06-07 。曾任联邦检察官与Monmouth郡警长的瓜迪亚诺强调她代表一般的美国人,即所谓的“缅街价值观”(Main Street Value)与墨菲的“华尔街价值观”抗衡。她声言要让人们能住得起新泽西,并承诺...

密歇根州伊市建“唐人街”  通过EB-5 集资

17-06-03 经济困境中拯救伊普西兰蒂市。伊普西兰蒂市(Ypsilanti)位于密歇根州东南部,靠近大学和汽车工业。5月23日,伊普西兰蒂市市议会通过了一份意向书,将其市中心东面Water Street 36英亩市府产业...

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found

17-06-03 Street Journal, and The Washington Post, the main newscasts of CBS, CNN, Fox News, and NBC, and three...


17-05-28 Street),电话:212-941-0032。(4)布碌仑八大道。纽约阿拉伯裔美国人协会(Arab American Association of NY),地址:5大道7111号,电话...


17-05-21 ,电话﹕(718)888-9957;“新科电器公司”地址:布碌仑86街1869号,1869 86th Street,电话:(347)312-6980“华鸿电器”地址:布碌仑7大道6104号,电话:(718...

Companies Recession Unleashed America’s Entrepreneurial Energy

17-05-20 entrepreneurship. However, the index sharply rebounded in 2015 and the upward trend continued last year.Main Street...

Governing People with Kindness and Virtue, Expressing the Demeanor of a Benevolent King

17-05-18 helped them. Upon entering the court, lower-ranking officials conceded promotions to others and...


17-05-17 (在25th和26th Street之间,靠近Madison Square Park)。         网站:madisonsquarepark.org/mad-sq-food...


17-05-17 。并且,纽约学校的课程中也将增添黑帮防止课程。同时,法案还将为非营利机构提供资金,让他们为社区提供资源,防止黑帮的蔓延。法案全名叫纽约州“街头黑帮执法与防治法令”(Criminal Street Gang...

如何与孩子交心 让孩子学会理解(上)

17-05-16 (Hasting Street)走过。来温哥华好几年了,我从来没有领她从哪里走过,因为那里是温哥华吸毒的人和妓女最多的地方。那天很奇怪,天气阴沉沉的,路上除了吸毒的人和妓女外,没有一个正常的人,连个警察也没有...

  One’s Fortune Changes Following a Change of Heart

17-05-16 merely picked up a few sheets of paper from the street, and burned them to show others. What good does...


17-05-10 :Bandshell Area, Central Park。    地址:Main Entrance On 69th Street And 5th Avenue。    网站:http...

Chinese Filmmaker: Life in China is More Brutal Than Any Screenwriter’s Imagination

17-05-06 injuring three. A court subsequently sentenced the son to life in prison. According to an online report...

Ancient Stories of How Virtuous Mothers Educated Their Children

17-05-06 court to confess to the King of Qi State and beg him to accept his resignation. King Xuan of Qi (350...

101亿伦敦买楼 〝重庆李嘉诚〞已清仓中国资产

17-05-02 的One Kingdom Street和Leadenhall大厦。One Kingdom Street由中渝置地斥资约2.9亿英镑收购,租金收益率约为每年5%。此外,公司还投资了1.22亿港元持有澳洲...

Heaven Will Reward the Virtuous

17-05-01 no law from the royal court that allowed collecting taxes from Taoists, so he did not follow Governor...

  Correcting One's Wrongdoings Changes One's Fate

17-05-01 yourself." Indeed, Zhang Weiyan passed the court exams that year. Later he did perform many good deeds for...


17-04-28 。今年也正值皇后区经济发展公司成立40周年,州参议员史塔文斯基(Toby Ann Stavisky)回忆,在QEDC成立的1977年,纽约经历大停电,经济损失惨重,法拉盛缅街(Main Street)不少商店关门大吉...

Selflessly Serve the Public, Respect Virtue and Love the People

17-04-24 of the Royal Court, he was devoted to his job and responsibilities. He was said to be "fearless...

“A Clear Mirror Hangs up High”

17-04-24 refer to the open and unbiased nature of all the issues resolved by the imperial court, always with...


17-04-22 $5,100%的收益都将捐赠给树屋儿童宣传中心(The Tree House Child Advocacy Center)。洛克维尔的道森市场地址是:225 North Washington Street。详情...


17-04-20 :4月23日、4月30日和5月7日上午11时至下午4时。        地址:35-34 Union Street, Flushing, NY 11354。2、本周新片速递 Upcoming Movie...


17-04-19 ,《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)记者查阅了几百份有关的公司记录和其他一些可公开查阅的文件。从中发现,肖建华和中共军方企业保利集团有诸多关连。肖建华被曝与军方保利集团有关联。(新...

Chinese Art Treasure at the Met: Emperor Xiaowen and His Court

19-01-30 Xiaowen and His Court, this artwork dates back to China’s Northern Wei dynasty (386-534). Along with...


17-04-18 大型公寓开发项目一览图新州北部五個重點住宅建設項目Hackensack: Main Street, 382 個單位Franklin Lakes: Ewing Ave., 275 個單位Park...

Moral Character Is the Number One Consideration in Recommending People

17-04-18 Dynasty (770 – 256 BC) once summoned an official, Li Ke, who served outside the court, and said to him...


17-04-13 。        地址:233 37th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11232。         路线:乘地铁在36 st (D,N,Q,R,W) Brooklyn 站下车(并有停车场...

纽约州改善法庭翻译服务 华人受益

17-04-11 150种语言和方言,有30%的纽约人(500万)在家不讲英语,有200万的居民英语不流利。对于不熟悉英语的居民来说,在法庭上获得语言翻译极为重要。纽约州统一法庭系统(Unified Court System...

The Significance of the Color Yellow in Traditional Chinese Culture

17-04-10 clothing of emperors. The prime minister of the court at that time was granted a "gold seal with...


17-04-07 题材也更为广泛,将有超过100家来自欧洲、亚洲、加拿大等地的图片画廊参展,为观众带来各具特色的视觉文化。  时间:3月30日~4月2日。  地点:Pier 94。  地址:55th Street and...


17-04-07 。        地址:华埠亚伦街2号7楼(2 Allen Street)。        费用:免费入场。        电话:212-964-6022(邝小姐)。2、奔跑吧,五分局 Run Your...


17-04-03 :Pier 94。  地址:55th Street and 12th Avenue, New York City。  路线:搭乘地铁A、B、C、D到59 St - Columbus Circle站。  费用...

  Governing a Country with Virtue and Appointing Officials Based on Virtue

17-04-02 Cai Jing to appease the nation. The imperial court had no other choice but to remove Cai Jing from...

Chinese Factional Interests Collide in Hong Kong Leadership Election

17-04-02 retired high court judge Woo Kwok-hing, were not under consideration.As if to be absolutely certain...

  Making Oneself the Experimental Subject for the Sake of Others

17-04-02 Zhang Hui was convicted by the royal court, all of his wealth gained through bribery and corruption was...


17-03-29 邦恩街社区教堂(Bowne Street Community Church)(网络图片)【看中国记者陈怡纽约报导】3月28日,纽约市议会地标委员会主席顾雅明发文,邦恩街社区教堂(Bowne...


17-03-28 该被允许进入全纽约31个法庭执法而展开热烈讨论。纽约法庭管理办公室(Office of Court Administration)证实,从2月中旬到现在,只有两起ICE人员进入法庭进行逮捕的事件...